With The K9 Coach Puppy Training System!
At K9 Coach, it is our job to give owners the skills & knowledge to better their lives with and for their dogs. Knowing that no time is more critical than the first few months with your new puppy, we have devised this puppy training system to coach you through them with confidence and success!

Before talking any further about this all-inclusive training system, let's talk about who this is made for...
You're a soon to be or new puppy owner who's thrilled to welcome their newest little one into their family and want to make sure you're providing the very best for them, even though you're not exactly sure what your puppy needs to learn or what you need to teach them to help them grow into a well-behaved, beloved adult pup you can enjoy life with for years to come!
Whether you're...
A first-time puppy owner, who has never had a puppy before or just remembers a fun childhood of growing up with a dog but was never involved in training...
A current dog owner who already has a dog or two but wants to dive more into training to explore what's possible for you and your new puppy...
An experienced dog owner who has already trained their past dogs to impressive levels of skill and obedience but wants to see if there is anything else you could add to your training system to make it even better...
You're in the right place and you're going to learn exactly how to embark, evolve and/or enhance your training journey with the tools, methods, guidance, and support that make up the K9 Coach Puppy Training System.
By the end of this system, you will have...

A puppy that looks to you for leadership, guidance, and direction.

A strong, lasting, sincere, and trusting bond between you and your puppy founded on cooperation, accountability, commitment, clarity, responsibility, respect, and dependability.

A puppy that walks nicely on a leash and can pass people and other dogs without getting worked up.

A socially acclimated puppy that isn't afraid of or fearful of things in their world, but is adaptable to new experiences and change.

A puppy that is eager and motivated to train, play, and engage with you!

A potty-trained, crate-trained, and house-mannered puppy that no longer chews you or your furniture!

A puppy that will go to place on command and remain there calmly until told they are allowed to come off.

A puppy that will sit and down on command and remain in those positions until they are told they no longer have to stay.

A puppy that will drop socks, toys or anything else they get in their mouth on command.

A puppy that will come when you call them every time!
"Because we choose to get a rottweiler puppy, we wanted to make sure we were training her right from the start to make sure she grows up to be a well-behaved dog and this system gave us everything we needed to reach that goal for her and us!"
Join now to get instant access to the system and begin learning how to take the first steps of your training journey with your new puppy!
The K9 Coach Puppy Training System

Chapter 1 is our puppy preparedness section. It is in this chapter that we help your puppy get adjusted to their new life in your home by providing them with the right structure, safety and nutrition they need.
In this chapter, you will have video coaching lessons on...
Home Set-up
Acclimation Periods
Crate Training
Potty Training

Chapter 2 covers relationship, manners, and training foundations. We put in the work to provide your puppy with the structure, boundaries, rules, clarity, and consistency they need to grow into a well-mannered and well-behaved adult.
In this chapter, you will have video coaching lessons on...
Clicker Training
Loose Leash Walking
Relationship Building
Puppy Biting

Chapter 3 is all obedience. In this chapter, we teach your puppy obedience commands and life skills to ensure you can provide your puppy the freedom they deserve to live a long and fulfilling life.
In this chapter, you will have video coaching lessons on...
Obedience Training
Drop It
Advanced Loose Leash Walking

Downloads to keep you on track
Throughout the system, you'll get access to guides, cheatsheets, checklists, and training logs to keep you on track with your training!
When You Enroll You'll Get...
The K9 Coach Puppy Training System
(a $520 Value)
- 3 training chapters with over 50 coaching videos that teach you EVERYTHING you need to know to raise a well-behaved and highly skilled puppy!
- Complete step-by-step training plans to teach your puppy the commands, place, sit, down, come, drop it, and crate!
- Your sit and down commands will be bomb-proof commands with a stay built right into them, so your puppy will never get up from a sit or down without the okay from you!
- Your puppy will have learned all the proper house manners they need to live respectfully with you and your family.
- You will have built an everlasting bond between you and your puppy other owners will envy and wonder at how you did so much in so little time.
You'll get access to ALL of the coaching videos, downloads, and members-only Facebook group as soon as you enroll.
In the Facebook group, K9 Coach Dana has recorded 8 weeks of additional live training to offer you additional support on your puppy training journey and she will be active in the group to help keep you on track!
Total Value of $785
PLUS These Bonuses To Ensure You and Your Puppy Are A Training Success!

A guided potty training schedule that details hour by hour when to take your puppy out, when to give them time to rest, when to train, and when to feed.
($9 Value)
This training blueprint teaches you 5 games you can play at home to make your dog more reliable at coming back to you when you call them!
($12 Value)

But I'm too excited to welcome you to the Puppy Training System and I want to make that choice affordable for you, so I'm offering it to you for just $250!
AND you’ll be backed by a 30-day “try it, test it, train it” money back guarantee
If you’re on the fence… Or if other trainings have left you skeptical… Then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put the system into action and experience how easy and exciting it can actually get the training results you want.
That’s why I’m giving you a full MONTH to go through the coaching, keep up with the lessons, and implement the training.
I’m SO confident that if you implement what you learn inside of the K9 Coach Puppy Training System you’ll see incredible change in your puppy that knows no limits. The only thing you have to do is suspend your disbelief and give it a chance. You have nothing to lose and only joy and confidence to gain. For more details, click here.
Here are a few lingering questions owners have asked before enrolling:
How much time does training take?
Are you sure I can do this?
Do I need to invest in training equipment?
When I join the Puppy Training System, will I get immediate access to the entire system?
What if I get stuck or don't understand how to train something?
How long do I have access to the course?
Will the information in the Puppy Training System ever change?

K9 Coach Dana has years of experience training and molding puppies into well-behaved, well-mannered, and skillful adult pups. She will be your instructor over the next 4 months walking you through every nuance of puppy raising and training.
A Letter From your Coach:
This letter is intended to inspire you by revealing the hard truths about my past puppy ownership.
Puppyhood is nothing short of a long marathon in the sticky summer heat without water or rest breaks. It's grueling, it's painful, it's maddening...but it's also funny, goofy, and exhilarating! At the time I was raising puppy Koda, I lost sight of the funny, goofy, and exhilarating side of it all and loaded myself with the weight of all the negative things I had to deal with as a result of getting a puppy.
It felt like I was always saying this phrase to myself: If I could just get him to stop ______ I'd be able to make it through this.
That fill-in-the-blank changed more frequently than I realized...
If I could just get him to stop bitting me, I'd be able to make it through this.
If I could just get him to stop peeing everywhere, I'd be able to make it through this.
If I could just get him to stop jumping on me, I'd be able to make it through this.
If I could just get him to stop whining, I'd be able to make it through this.
If I could just get him to stop being so energetic all the time, I'd be able to make it through this.
It felt like whenever I got one thing taken care of, a new bad behavior would take its place. It felt like a maddening circle of constant issues I had no idea how to overcome.
I found myself ticking off the months as I counted up to the 6 month mark, then the 1 yr mark, then the 1.5 yr mark... With age, I thought Koda would get better and become more manageable. This is true, your dog will begin to calm down and settle into a routine, but not in the way you might be imagining.
Your dog will not magically become a calm dog once they're 2 years old. Your dog will become a calm dog ONLY because you've trained them to be calm. Time is on your side, but it's not the answer to your problems. Age will not wipe away all of the bad behaviors your dog does that drive you mad. Only through training, will you get the dog you've always imagined owning.
When I came to this realization, I spared no time in hiring a trainer. Turned out, his training style and framework weren't what Koda nor I needed. So as the problems continued to mount, I tried again. We hired a second trainer who, unfortunately, again wasn't capable of giving us what we needed.
Out of money to spend and severely lacking in trust or hope that we would find someone worth the money left to spend on, I dove into learning everything I possibly could find online and in the library about dog training. It took me hours every day of combing through materials, testing methods, failing, winning, and figuring out what information was actually helpful.
As I began to understand Koda more, our relationship improved. We were working together rather than against each other and the problems began to go away.
If I'm being honest with myself, training became addictive and I just never stopped.
Koda began impressing other owners with his skills and our bond by the age of 8 months old. I started getting questions about how I did it and if I could train their dog.
Fast forward 1 year and I officially began working as a dog trainer.
Fast forward another year and I have a proven puppy raising and training system I've honed and use to train all of my puppy clients.
Oh, and I am so happy I struggled to get to where I am now.
Here's the truth about getting a new puppy and training it: The first year is HARD. Harder than you think it will be. Your dog will test you, ask things of you you weren’t prepared to give, but all the while it will love you more than anything else in its world.
If you can commit and I know you can, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this now, to just 4 months of daily, belly-laughing training, you will make it my friend. You will have created a bond between you and an animal that is like nothing you've ever experienced before.
The level of trust, love, and dedication you will have to each other is what makes it all worth it. A companion for life is what you're creating. Sometimes you will lose sight of that along the way, overcome with the burden of training and teaching. It's okay, but never lose hope in yourself or your puppy.
Remind yourself that just like every other day, you've made it and you'll continue to make it because as time passes, your dog learns more from you and bad behaviors start to disappear.
It's worth the work. Your puppy is so worth it. Commit to helping them.
Always cheering you on,
K9 Coach Dana

The Right Pace
K9 Coach Dana uses this exact system with her private puppy clients. She has organized, tested, and finalized this system to ensure you and your puppy are training the right concepts at the necessary times in your puppy's development.

The Best Guidance
As you advance through the system, K9 Coach Dana will personally make sure you never get stuck or confused with weekly live coaching calls where you can ask your questions and get the answers you need to keep moving through the system.

The Perfect System
K9 Coach Dana demonstrates with young puppies the exact training techniques used in the system to ensure you know the exact steps to follow and see what training will be like with your own puppy!